Starting December 17th Reclaim Philadelphia is accepting candidate questionnaires for all state legislative races for the 2022 Primary

Reclaim Philadelphia’s questionnaire for the 2022 Primary Election for state legislative races -- Pennsylvania House and Senate -- is open to candidates starting December 17th 2021.

We welcome any state legislative candidate to submit a questionnaire. However, our Steering Committee will be limiting their recommendations for endorsement to districts where there are significant numbers of Reclaim members and supporters. We are not accepting questionnaires for statewide candidates (Governor, Lieutenant Governor, US Senate) or US Congressional candidates at this time.

Please return your questionnaire in a PDF by 5:00 p.m. on January 4, 2022. Your questionnaire responses should be emailed to both and

Late questionnaires will not be accepted. Candidates who do not submit questionnaires will not be considered for endorsement. Your questionnaire responses will be posted publicly online. Reclaim Philadelphia’s Steering Committee will use your responses to determine whether to recommend that our members vote to endorse you.